Volume Three Special Edition
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=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= .............._______ ............./ / THE LEGENDARY TIMES ............/ / .........../ /.....______.._____.....______.._____.......____ ........../ /...../ /./ \.../ /./ \...../ \ ........./ /...../ ___/./ ____/../ ___/./ __. \.../ /\ \ ......../ /...../ /_.../ /....../ /_.../ /..\ >./ /./ / ......./ /...../ __/../ /____../ __/../ /.../ /./ /./ / ....../ /_____/__/__../ \_\ /./ /__../ /.../ /./ /_/ / ...../ / /./ /./ /./ /.../ /./ / ..../ /_/..\______/./_____/./__/.../__/./_______/ MUD .../________________/ running on mud.aus.sig.net 9999 9999 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= http://mud.aus.sig.net/ ftp://mud.aus.sig.net/pub =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= SPECIAL CODE OF CONDUCT ISSUE November 1st, 1996 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= WHAT IS THIS ISSUE ABOUT? For some time now, the staff of LegendMUD has been working on developing a coherent and consistent document that could serve as a player code of conduct. The reason for this document is simple: the controversies and debates over whether or not certain standards were rules, whether or not certain matters of etiquette were official, whether or not standards of punishment were codified, and on so on, had reached a point where even simple enforcement of basic rules was becoming counterproductive. A major effort was made to gather together all the many rules, suggestions, standards, and policies into one document, for easy reference and to once and for all end the debate as to whether a given behavior was illegal or not. It is important to emphasize that there is nothing NEW in this document. Rather, this is just a formalized version of the rules under which all the players already live and play with really, very few problems. Yes, it seems like a huge, daunting list, but really, the vast majority of it is common sense, and the document you are about to read tends to overexplain even the most basic things so that there is a definite reference to point to. WHERE WILL THIS CODE GO? The rules overview will be placed in HELP RULES, which replaces HELP CHEAT as the basic file to refer to for guidelines. There are also individual help files for each of the 12 rules (yes, there are only twelve rules). In addition, all new characters will get shown these twelve rules as part of the character creation process, so that even a casual spammer who wanders in cannot say that they were ignorant of the rules. In addition, the code of conduct will be placed on the welcome board, and it will remain there permanently, so that it is easily referred to by players by that method as well. And of course, the help files are accessible by anyone. On top of THAT, it'll also be on the web site. REASONS WHY YOU SHOULDN'T FREAK OUT "Oh no! The evil immortals are imposing more of their moral judgements upon us! Agh! I must flee!" Hardly. So relax. As I said above, there are only twelve rules. They cover the basic stuff that you all already know quite well, like multiplaying, abusing bugs, and harassment. All we've done is gather them together and formalize them. From now on, if you get punished for something that is not in this document, you've got a great case in your defense; on the other hand, we're not perfect, and probably missed something. Because of that, we expect this to be a "living document" that evolves and changes over time. Another major reason why you should not freak out is really a simple one. The rules are designed primarily to protect the players, and not to circumscribe them. In order for that to be perfectly clear, there is commentary interspersed below that describes the rationale for each rule. Frankly, none of them are very controversial. WHERE TO DISCUSS THE CODE OF CONDUCT Since this is a living document, player input is always welcome. Although the welcome board has the code posted on it, it is not really the best forum for discussing it. Rather, discussion and debate related to the code of conduct is best posted on the discussion board in the Out of Character Lounge. Please do not flood the Legendary Times address with comments about the code. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=- The following is HELP RULES, the overview of the twelve rules. This file is also sent to newbies during character creation. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=- RULES LegendMUD has few rules, but the following activities are unwelcome here. Players caught engaging in these activities will be dealt with on a individual basis, but the basic violations listed below all potentially call for character deletion. Punitive actions can also include any and all of the following: removal of equipment or gold, alteration of stats, denied access to mud commands (e.g. being muzzled or glued), denied access to a character, forced clanning, demotion of level status, or banning of a site if repeated violations occur. Generally, first offenses will result in your name being noted in a log of offenders and perhaps the loss of some skill, stat, privilege, or equipment. Upon a second offense, the log will be updated, you will be reminded that you were warned, and you will lose one half of your experience; other punishments--loss of stats, equipment, gold, or privileges--may also be imposed. A third offense warrants deletion, and your site will be noted in the log. A fourth offense may result is siteban. (See HELP VIOLATIONS, HELP RIGHTS) All players are held responsible for understanding and following the rules set forth below, and violations will not be less severely punished because a player claims to have not known he or she was breaking a rule. For additional information, see individual help files or immorts with the 'Admin' flag. 1. Multiplaying (logging in more than one character at a time) and trading equipment among your characters (or using one of your characters to benefit another of your characters in any way) are prohibited; additionally, only one player may play a particular character. (See HELP MULTIPLAY). 2. Harassing other players is prohibited; harassment may include, but is not limited to, out of character threats, sending unwanted tells when asked to stop, using offensive language, making unwanted out-of-character attacks or comments, or using in-character justifications for what are really out-of-character assaults. (See HELP HARASSMENT). 3. Sexually explicit language, cursing, and slurs are not permitted over public channels--like chat, auction, and info--or in other public fora like illusions or character names/titles; such language may be prohibited even in 'tells' to the extent it amounts to harassment. (See HELP HARASSMENT). 4. Non-clanned players may not interfere in the general activities of clans or player-kill. 'Interference' may involve, but is not limited to, using skills, spells, or other in-game functions to assist a pkiller or impede his or her opponent, either directly or by using skills, spells, or other in-game functions against other mobs or the mud environment. (See HELP PKILL). 5. Non-clanned players may never loot the corpse of a clanned or non-clanned character, except anyone may remove items from the corpse of a character at that character's request to assist in corpse recovery, so long as he or she does not thereby involve an non-clanned character in pkill. (See HELP LOOTING). 6. Asking or getting immorts to reveal or change your stats is not permitted, nor is getting or asking them to load items or mobs for you or to confer any other unfair advantage. (See HELP IMMORTS, HELP CHEAT). 7. If you find a bug, you must report it by using the BUG command or mudmail to an immortal or even email to [email protected]. Taking advantage of a bug or using it to crash the mud is not permitted. (See HELP CHEAT). 8. Intentionally placing a character over rent by loading him or her with excessive equipment is not permitted. (See HELP CHEAT). 9. Experience may not be 'given' away by clanned characters permitting others to pkill them; repeated deaths will attract the attention of immorts. (See HELP CHEAT). 10. In-game information (such as mob or item stats, quest solutions, etc.) may not be placed on public channels or boards (including clan boards). (See HELP CHEAT). 11. Making false accusations under these rules is itself a punishable offense. 12. There are also several rules that we have catalogued under 'etiquette.' Violations of these rules may not necessarily call for character deletion, but repeated violations may call for one of the lesser penalties listed above. Adherence to them will help to ease your relationships with other players on LegendMUD. (See HELP ETIQUETTE). See generally, HELP MULTIPLAY, HELP HARASSMENT, HELP PKILL, HELP ETIQUETTE, HELP RIGHTS, HELP VIOLATIONS, HELP IMMORTS, HELP CHEAT, HELP LOOTING. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=- What follows are the individual help files referred to above. Each one is prefaced with a brief explanation of why the behavior is deemed undesirable. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=- VIOLATIONS Every law must have its penalties for when it is broken. Because this is an area in which so many have felt unfairly treated, we are going with a very straightforward system. This system has been in use by the admin department ever since the wizbit system went into effect. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= VIOLATIONS Immorts maintain a log of violations in order to allow graduated punishment against repeat offenders. In the event of violations of the above policies: * First Offense: a stern talking to, being written up in the offenders file, and possibly muzzling or revocation of other privileges or wrongfully acquired equipment or gold (tell, chat, etc.). * Second Offense: a reminder that you have been warned, an append to the offenders file, plus the loss of half of your experience and, when relevant, loss of other equipment, stat, or right. * Third Offense: character deletion and notation in the offenders file of the site from which you are logging. * Fourth Offense: siteban is very possible. The administrators reserve the right to upgrade the punishments based on the severity of the offense, and punishments may be more closely tailored to the specific violation (loss of gold or equipment or some other benefit wrongly acquired). Again, by entering the mud, you have agreed to abide by its policies and will be held responsible for them. We have very few problems on LegendMUD, as a whole, and the players themselves tend to uphold these rules as stringently as the immortals do. So please help keep this mud as nice a place as it has been for the last few years. See HELP RULES for basic guidelines and a list of related help files. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=- MULTIPLAYING Multiplaying not only gives an advantage to those players who run mud clients, but it also causes problems for the mud design itself. When a player uses multiple characters at once, the efficiency of monster-killing goes way, way up. The result is that there is less available for players to do. A mud with 60 multiplayed characters has to be larger than a mud supporting 60 separate characters. We prefer to sustain the maximum amount of people possible, rather than cater to fewer players. In addition, having 60 real people instead of 20 people and 40 robots also makes for a more interesting gaming session for the players themselves, as they get to interact with more people and have more varied experiences. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= MULTIPLAY MULTIPLAYING CROSSPLAY CROSSPLAYING Players may make as many characters as they like, but they may connect only one at any given time. The rule against multiplaying is designed to put players on, as much as possible, an equal footing: to ensure that every item or advantage gained by a character was really gained by him or her or in grouping with other players. Where you have any doubt whether or not a particular activity constitutes multiplaying, ask yourself if the benefit your character is about to enjoy could have been gained if he or she were the first character you had ever made on LegendMUD. In its most obvious form, 'no multiplaying' means you may not connect two characters at once, whether those characters are grouped or not grouped or for any other purpose. But 'no multiplaying' also means you may not use one of your characters for the advantage of another of your characters: you may not get equipment with one your characters to be given to another of your characters (either directly, by leaving it for the other to pick up, by giving it to another player to deliver, or by any other means). Multiplaying also includes dropping link, not completely renting out a character before logging on another character. In the spirit of the rule against multiplaying, LegendMUD also asks that no more than one person play any given character. You may give away an non-clanned character, but please do not permit other people to play one of your characters. Sharing your character password is always a bad idea. No exceptions to the rules will be granted because a player claims that someone else was playing his or her character. See HELP RULES for basic guidelines and a list of related help files. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=- HARASSMENT It seems odd to have to justify a rule against harassment, but there you go. :) As the help file explains, Legend has attracted a wide range of players of all ages and nationalities. A game is only fun as long as most of the players get along most of the time. At times, people get angry or upset, but that doesn't justify personal attacks that would not be permissible in real life either. In the past, the staff at Legend has had to resort to real-life action against those who have engaged in harassment, because this sort of behavior is frowned upon in general by law enforcement around the world. In a different vein, the language restrictions are simply because polite society demands a higher standard of discourse than conversation among friends does. The public channels on LegendMUD are public venues, and people do not have a way to partake in the good aspects of them while filtering out the bad. Therefore we try to maintain a minimum standard on the public channels. It is worth noting that the restrictions given are far less stringent than what the Congressional Decency Act defined--and that the CDA is *not* defeated but merely in dispute and not currently enforced. Legend supports free speech, and believes that you have every right to state your opinion in a mature manner, but we also don't want the mud to be sued or shut down on obscenity charges. :) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= HARASSMENT In the area of harassment, we are concerned primarily with two topics: language used over public channels (general harassment) and harassment of particular persons or groups (specific harassment). LANGUAGE LegendMUD has had players ranging from the age of seven on up. Therefore, we strictly enforce the following restrictions on language: * No sexually explicit or strong cursing language on public channels. This includes CHAT, INFO, AUCTION, clan channels, and on public boards. Upon occasion a chat conference that has the tag [adult] may be created by an immortal, and [adult] conferences may make use of stronger language. [Adult] conferences must be explicitly joined by the individual, and hence listening to one implies acceptance of the language there. * Said language is also not permissible in private communication--for example in mudmail, using the TELL command, or on clan boards--if it is unwelcome or someone hearing or receiving said language has asked you to stop. * Said language is also not permissible as part of a character name or title, or in illusions. HARASSMENT * Derogatory comments directed at the player operating a character are outside the bounds of LegendMUD and therefore have no place here. Real life threats are not only unwelcome on LegendMUD, they are illegal in real life. * A pattern of extreme rudeness toward a specific character or player that is judged to exist outside the framework of the game and roleplay will not be tolerated. If harassment persists, we will go so far as to contact the systems administrator at your site and request that punitive action be taken, such as restricting access to our port, Internet service, or even that school disciplinary or criminal charges be filed. * Likewise, a pattern of aggressiveness that has the above characteristics will not be tolerated, particularly if the aggressor carries it across multiple characters. OOC harassment masquerading as IC roleplaying is impermissible. * Using unwanted and intimate socials on another character may be harassment. If he or she asks you to stop, then stop. In other circumstances, use your good judgment and remember that there is a person behind the character in the game. * 'Spamming,' or the practice of sending repeated strings of text, is not allowed. Spamming a particular individual in tells will be considered harassment as will spamming over public channels. * Racist or sexual slurs or slurs against any group are not any more permissible than the personal attacks forbidden above. Sexual harassment, including unwanted advances, is also not tolerated, including in names, titles, on public channels, in illusions, etc. * Asking players repeatedly for help--spellword locations, equipment stats, skill advice, etc.--may be considered harassment in certain cases. * In general, if a player asks you to leave him or her alone, you would be advised to comply. See HELP RULES for basic guidelines and a list of related help files. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=- PLAYERKILLING This is probably the touchiest part of the rules, and the most controversial. At the same time, in many ways it is the most necessary. The players of Legend are essentially on an honor system when it comes to good behavior with playerkilling. None of what follows is new, but hopefully seeing it all laid out will help. The reasoning behind the playerkilling and clanned/unclanned rules is simply that there is so much potential for bad blood with the current system. Players and immorts do not favor going to a pkill-free mud nor an all-pk mud, and therefore we've collectively saddled ourselves with these rules. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= PKILL PLAYERKILLING Pkill is the exclusive prerogative of pkill-enabled characters, who must actively choose to become pkill-enabled. You may have only one pkill- enabled character at a time. Once a character is clanned, you may only unclan that character by either permanently retiring that character through deletion, permadeath, or petitioning to be included in the Hall of Legends, or by reaching 100,000,000 experience. Characters who are not pkill-enabled may not interfere with pkill. In other words, while only pkill-enabled characters are actually able to kill another character, non-pkill-enabled characters might be able to find ways to interfere (for instance, by healing a participant in pkill, making him or her invisible or providing detect invisibility ability, repairing equipment, putting up walls, killing innkeepers or trans mobs, etc.)--such activities confer the excitement and fun of pkill without any of the risk. Likewise, non-clanned characters may not ask a clanned character to kill another clanned character, or loot anything from the corpse of a clanned character. In other words, clanned characters may not accept a 'contract' on another clanned from a non-clanned character. Therefore, any direct or indirect interferences, by a non-pkill-enabled character, even if the action is on behalf or otherwise representing a clanned player, will result in forced clanning of the non-pkill-enabled character (and the consequent deletion of any other clanned character belonging to the player); if the interference was solicited by a pkill-enabled character, he or she will also be subject to punishment. Non-pkill enabled characters should generally refrain from giving any assistance that might be of use to pkill-enabled characters if there is any doubt about whether the pkill-enabled character is presently engaged in a running pkill battle. In other words, if you are grouped with a pkill- enabled character and saw him or her get wounded by the lion, you are of course free to heal him/her. But if that same character appears by you, leaking guts, and begs a heal (or any other help), it is your responsibility to be certain you are not interfering with pkill; when in doubt, it is your responsibility to make sure you are not interfering with pkill. LegendMUD encourages grouping, and nothing in the rules concerning pkill should prevent clanned and non-clanned players from grouping. But, as a general rule, when pkill ensues, if you are an non-clanned character grouped with pkillers, you may not assist. Nor may you, alerted to the situation through your non-clanned character, run to get your clanned character to assist, since this would be multiplaying. See HELP CLAN and HELP RULES for basic guidelines and a list of related help files. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=- ETIQUETTE This is a catch-all grab bag of minor rules and tips. Mostly tips. Often etiquette and social conventions on Legend are mistaken for hard and fast rules when they are not. But in many ways, conventions are more binding than rules (for one thing, usually everyone enforces them, not just the immort staff). You will see the term "officially discouraged" below. It refers to behaviors that in general are considered "twinkish" or poor sportsmanship, but which are unenforceable as rules. They'd likely get you kicked out of someone's living room, but won't get you kicked out of the mud unless they escalate into an illegal behavior. They WILL get you sermonized against, yelled at, and quite possibly discussed as an example of how Legend's playerbase is going to pot (hey, it's happened plenty before...) One of the main things to keep in mind about these sorts of etiquette rules is that they have arisen out of PLAYER concerns more than out of immort concerns, and have become so entrenched that we often get requests that they be officially enforced. They are not the immorts' rules so much as they are your own. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ETIQUETTE Society has many, often unspoken, rules of conduct that it relies upon for smooth operations. Newcomers to mudding are often unaware of mud etiquette. The tips that follow are a crash course in the most serious 'don'ts' of life of LegendMUD. * Purposely attempting to put someone over rent is illegal. * P lease refrain from using all caps, in any circumstance. It is considered shouting. * Please think carefully about the language and socials that you use (see help harassment). LegendMUD has an elaborate system of 'socials' that allow you to perform everything from a bow to a lick, but not every 'social' is appropriate in every situation or with people you have just met. When in doubt, ask yourself if you would presume to do x in real life... and, if not, then refrain. * The general consensus on the mud is that multiple kills of another player are bad form. They will be frowned upon, and will make the perpetrator an immediate target for permanent death among other pkill-enabled players. Multiple kills are not illegal; they are officially discouraged. * The Out of Character Lounge is to be considered a place separate from the main mud. Please do not drag in-character conflicts into that area. Sitting in the OOC and taunting opponents is considered very bad form, as is hiding there from opponents. Again, it is not illegal; it is officially discouraged. * Never lie to an immortal; always be fully co-operative with them, as they are trying to do a tough job. Do not assume they have all the information they need, and be as helpful as possible to them so that they can respond appropriately. * Treat every character as a separate individual, and do not play 'across characters' ('crossplaying'). Do not give out the names of a player's other characters, do not ask for them, and do not reveal any information about their real life, including sites from where they connect, email addresses, etc. Real life stops as soon as you see the title screen-- leave it there. * Requests for help will generally be answered--demands for help will be ignored or flamed. Be polite and people will generally be polite in response. * Do not place in-game information such as the stats on equipment, mobs, other players, quest steps, etc., on public channels or boards, including clan boards. * Be reasonably polite and helpful to others on the mud. This includes things like not stealing their kills, not sitting by a mob and claiming you are 'reserving' it, not looting others' kills, etc. * Before asking for help, take advantage of the FAQs and extensive help files that LegendMUD provides. See HELP RULES for basic guidelines and a list of related help files. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=- PLAYER RIGHTS You were wondering, I'm sure. :) The player rights section attempts to correct some oddball myths about Legend--like the weird notion that we log everyone all the time--as well as make clear to what extent you have freedom there. The rights are really the foundation for all the other rules. Harassment rules would not exist if it were not for the right to enjoy "a mature atmosphere in which to play" (as it is described below). In that sense, this is the most important section of the rules. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= RIGHTS * You have a general right to privacy. LegendMUD does not log your activity except for a log of failed saves for the purpose of tracking reimbursals. Snooping your activity only takes place during the course of an investigation into a violation of the rules, or with your explicit permission. * You have the right to a mature atmosphere in which to play and enjoy yourself, and freedom from harassment. * You have freedom of expression insofar as it does not harass anyone or violate the game rules or the rules of conduct. * You have the right to professional treatment by the immortals. They have a much stricter code of behavior than players do, which may be read on the welcome board. * You have the right to have your complaints heard. Please keep in mind that you should be ready to provide evidence or witnesses for complaints. * Players with a complaint or those accused of any rule violations have a right to know who is accusing them and what they are being accused of; they have a right to defend themselves before the immort involved, explaining their take on events, what happened, and why; they have a right to have the immort making the decision explain his or her decision and the punishment imposed. Generally, these rights will attach before an immort takes any action against you; in extreme situations (as where someone is intransigently chatting obscenities), immorts reserve the right to act first and make inquiries after. See HELP RULES for basic guidelines and a list of related help files. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=- LOOTING The following rules are really related back to the clanned and unclanned rules. Nothing in either of them is particularly surprising. One thing to note is that changes to corpses with the new skill trees may make some of them obsolete, by literally not permitting some of these actions to occur. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= LOOTING * In general, looting of player corpses is only allowed if both the victim and the looter are clanned. This means that non-clanned characters may not loot the corpses of clanned characters or of non-clanned characters. Clanned characters may not loot the corpses of non-clanned characters, but they may loot the corpse of any clanned character (realizing, of course, that looting another pkiller's kill is likely to direct his or her attention to you). * The one exception to the looting rule occurs in the case of assisting in corpse recovery. Clanned or non-clanned characters may loot the corpse of any character, at that character's specific request, in order to help that character recover his or her equipment, so long as this does not impermissibly involve an non-clanned character in pkill. See HELP RULES for basic guidelines and a list of related help files. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=- CHEATING The reason why the following things are not allowed is simple: we want the mud to stay fun. A game where all the solutions are handed out to you in advance is a game where there is no challenge, fewer surprises--and in the long term, a lot less players. Hence rules restricting the public dissemination of stats, solutions, and so on. This doesn't mean that you can't help out your friends, of course. It just means that going about it in a very public manner is counterproductive. Instead of helping those people, you are actually limiting their enjoyment. If ever in doubt, think back to when youfirst managed to solve some particularly tricky quest, or discovered that awfully cool item--and ask yourself why you'd want to deny that same thrill to another player. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= CHEAT CHEATING * If you see a bug, you are obligated to report it (SEE HELP BUG) and not to take advantage of it, for the sake of the mud's balance and the enjoyment of other players. We typically give small rewards for reporting bugs. Exploitation and concealment of a bug is regarded as cheating. Any advantages you gain from a bug will be stripped if it is discovered you have been making use of one. * Purposeful crashing of the mud will result in immediate deletion of all characters involved. * Offering quest solutions, mob or equipment stats, locations of skill teachers or spell words, or any other 'secret' in-game information over public channels (info, chat, etc.) or by posting on public or clan boards is cheating. We officially discourage the posting of such information on web pages or through clan mailing lists. See generally, HELP RULES, HELP MULTIPLAY, HELP HARASSMENT, HELP PKILL, HELP ETIQUETTE, HELP RIGHTS, HELP VIOLATIONS, HELP IMMORTS, HELP LOOTING. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=- IMMORTS In case you were feeling like the immortals had it easy in this whole thing, here's this section to show otherwise. The immort staff is obligated to follow *ALL* the rules that apply to players, only to an even higher standard. They are often not allowed to even help their friends *with their mortal* in a way that would be perfectly legal if they were not immort. In general, being an immort is treated as a volunteer job, complete with progress reports, bosses, and deadlines. It is never a way to help your mortals advance--in fact, as a rule you can expect your mortal characters to stagnate as all of your time gets taken up with immort duties. :) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= IMMORTS * Immorts are not permitted to give in-game help. Attempting to get an immort to give in-game assistance or information is illegal, especially information about other players' characters, sites, etc. Repeated attempts may be considered harassment. * Immorts are not permitted to use their status as immortals for the benefit of their other characters. Immortals must generally log out their immort before logging in a pkill-enabled character. * Immorts are not permitted to use their status as immortals to abuse or harass players; they may not use their abilities to help players outside the realm of their immort duties. * Immorts are governed by a strict code of conduct. If you believe you have been wrongfully treated by an immort, inform an Admin Immort or one of the Implementors, Kaige or Ptah at [email protected]. See HELP RULES for basic guidelines and a list of related help files. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=- THE IMMORT CODE OF CONDUCT One thing which may strike you about the imm code of conduct is that it isn't fair towards the immorts. It outright states that "this doesn't cover everything, and it doesn't matter. If you do something wrong that violates the spirit of these rules, you're still in very hot water." That is not the case with the player code of conduct, which will get amended to cover new situations as they arise. Immorts are held to a much higher standard, and the rules are consequently more vague. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= IMMORT CODE OF CONDUCT General Principles: * the immortals are here to improve the mud * the immortals are here to make the experience of being on Legend enjoyable for everyone, not just your friends * use your head! if you have to stop to think whether an action is illegal, it's better not to do it, and ask someone, than to chance it * respect the players--they are why we are here * do nothing to harm the growth of the mud Punishment structure: First offense: warning Second offense: demotion (stripping of wizbits and/or level) Third offense: deletion This means that if you are given a warning for command abuse and are then caught harassing a mortal or another immort you will be demoted. This is a very strict punishment system but should be easy enough to live with if we all behave like adults. Warnings remain on record for six months, so you can screw up once every six months until someone catches on to the pattern. Command Abuse: Using your immort powers to give benefit to ANY mortal (yours or others') beyond the scope of your normal immort duties, is considered abuse of immort powers. Likewise, using your immorts' skills and spells to benefit ANY mortal is abuse. Examples of some things not to do: * transfer a player from anywhere but OOC unless within the scope of your job * attack or kill a player by any means * snoop or otherwise spy upon a player or other immortal * heal a player * use immort knowledge or commands for in-game benefits such as telling another player where an item or mob or player is * revealing anyone's site or other characters to anyone * steal from a player * load or otherwise obtain objects for players * alter or affect a character's attributes or equipment * transferring mobs * registering unapproved descriptions * stringing items without a coupon * etc This is a pretty small list of possible offenses. It represents the SPIRIT of the rules. If you violate the spirit of the rules, you will be held as accountable as if you violated the letter of the law. There is a small list of things that may seem counter to these rules that are permissible IF you have the appropriate wizbit. Ask your dept. head about them. Harassment: An immortal harassing a mortal in any way has place on Legend, and may result in summary demotion or deletion. Immortals harassing other immortals will be considered on par with any other offense. Information and actions as a mortal: An immortal may not give out any information beyond hints or explanations of why something happened. If you do not know why something happened, SAY SO. Do not simply tell players, "You must have done something wrong." At all times, be as helpful as possible within the rules. The mortals of immorts are held to the same standard, which means they must not give out quest solutions, teacher locations, skill information, item stats, etc. Similarly, immortals' morts may not engage in playerkilling or stealing without extremely clear in-context reasons that are clearly evident to the victim. If the victim is not aware of the reason, then the immortal is at fault. Yes, this limits the scope of an immorts' actions as a mort, but all immortals MUST serve as an example of ideal player behavior, or the credibility of all immortals is undermined. It may also serve to help immortals broaden the scope of their actions and roleplay, rather than falling back on the typical mortal behaviors. Summary: All of the above are intended to do the following: - encourage trust in the immort staff - encourage the immort staff to take a more creative and helpful role in the development of the mud - encourage a more mature and polite atmosphere If you do not feel comfortable with the principles embodied in the above, it is suggested you depart from the immort staff as quickly as possible. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Legendary Times is published by the gods of LegendMUD. Please send all replies/additions to to our address at [email protected] for inclusion in the next edition. We, however, reserve the right to moderate this discussion, and may object to some submissions. If you feel we have wrongly omitted one of your messages, please talk to Rusalka online or through EMail and see if she did indeed receive it in the first place. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=